The Incredibly Safe (and Stylish) Car Seat We Love


First off, no one ever tells you how hard and overwhelming it is to shop for a car seat. There are so many options and, unfortunately, reliable safety ratings aren't always readily available. My husband and I spent days doing a deep dive online and thankfully we came across ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club) which is a German organization that performs rigorous crash tests twice a year on car seats and compiles all their findings to deliver stringent child safety ratings. With the help of Google Translate, we were able to review how our top picks stood up to their different criteria including safety, ergonomics, toxicity levels of materials used, and more. We were super happy to find that our very top pick, the Cybex Cloud Q, had some of the highest ratings across the board. 

At first glance, what we loved about the Cybex Cloud Q was the sleek and stylish design. We also valued the fact that the seat reclines into a near-flat position when out of the car—a safer, more ergonomic laying position is perfect for being able to avoid transferring and disturbing the baby when they fall asleep on the car ride. It also worked with our top stroller pick, which meant we could easily click the car seat into the stroller base while running errands and again help to avoid waking a napping baby. The seat also has a great set of safety features which were top of mind. Needless to say, once we got confirmation of the high safety ratings it was a done deal.

We've received so many compliments and inquiries about the Cloud Q since Delphine was born. One of our family members keeps calling it the "Cadillac of car seats," which we get a kick out of. We went with the all-black version, but they have some other great color and fabric options, so make sure to check them all out.